Flew by in a flash, 114 days into the year so far. So here we go, our high and low points from March.
High: We're going to the beautiful land of Jamaica, Negril to be precise and I am beyond excited. A family friend is getting married out there and we can't wait to celebrate with the happy couple. I've been incredibly lucky this year and visited 3 different countries in 3 different continents.
Low: This month was one of the hardest in terms of my mental health; some of my worst low days in a while, in a sense resulting in me not wanting to do anything; hence, a very very neglected blog and an extremely late March review. Sorry.
Disclaimer: I haven't really written much regarding my mental health, mainly because I intend on making a completely separate few blog posts on Mental Health - feelings before diagnosis, official diagnosis and ongoing treatment. I am hoping that it may help someone, it may not but I believe that if I had someone who understood how I felt it would have helped me a lot earlier.
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