
So, this is something new that I wanted to start on my blog - where we all discuss and reflect on some of our personal high and low points we've faced throughout the month.

January 2018

Hands down, in my opinion, the worst month ever (sorry those who are born in January).  Christmas is over, pay day is so far away and well, it is just a very long, BORING month.

High: So let's fly back to the beginning of this long month, I finally bit the bullet and stepped way out of my comfort zone and started this blog, I spent so long going back and forth, debating day and night whether I should have done this or not. Well, I am so glad I did, as of today (29th January 2018) I am sitting at 476 blog views, which probably doesn't seem like a lot to some, but to me, it's a huge achievement. Thank you everyone for the views.  

Low: Being told that my Masters application for university has been rejected was very hard for me, for those who know me, I've been working hard to try and complete a Masters degree in Speech and Language Therapy but sadly, one university declined my offer. I still have one more to fall back on of course, however if they also decline my offer... what do I do? LOOOONG.

I think I can speak for most people when I say that, we've always got those "what if" moments in the back of our minds sometimes - this low point included. "What if I had studied that little bit harder, would it have impacted my grade enough to get me on the Masters course"

HOWEVER I'm really trying not to let the declined university application overcast the possibility of getting my final offer. Who knows?

I'd love to know what some of your high and low points from January were, did you have more highs than lows? How did you overcome the lows? Let me know. 

Until next time lovelies.

K x


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