Everyone loves a holiday, and I think it's so important to try and go on at least 1 holiday a year, if you can, why not ey?

My family and I have a huge world map that is hung in our study, each person in the family has different colour pin and we all pin where we've been, whether it'd be together or seperately. As you can see, we love to travel.
A key with each family members name and pin colour!

So, how do you decide where to go on holiday? Well, this is what I do, head over to some travel shops and pick up some magazines, as many as you can carry (seriously), then when you get home, have a look through the magazines, pick a destination or a continent that you've always wanted to visit or see and research the hell out of it. There are plenty of websites such as Trivago, that will compare the holiday destination you want to go to and find you an amazing deal, try it.
There are also websites such as; Trip advisor, and ice lolly holidays. You could even try looking at airline websites, they also have great deals.

Let 2018 be your year of travel! (If you can that is). Research, book early and count down the months, weeks or days and then enjoy your fun, in the sun!

93 Days until Morocco 2018!

Where are you going this year? I'd love to know.

Until next time lovelies ♥

K x


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