Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, 

Finally, 2018 is here and I have NEVER been so excited and ready to see what happens this year. I've never been one to make New Years Resolutions, but I have always tried to make and maintain a "yearly goals board", full of everything that I really want to try and achieve before the next year.
This year, one of my main goals/aims was to write this blog and have enough confidence to share it with the world (or my friendship group at least). 

New Years Eve 2017 consisted of, 2 friends and I having a sleepover and do you know what? it was one of the best NYE's I've had, just being able to chill out without the pressure of finding an outfit, or a venue, especially when you have no money (me, always) really put my mind at ease, we drank, ate a lot and watched the "Despascito" music video endlessly. Bliss right?

Make this year count, I spent so long being one of those "New year, New me" people, but not doing anything to change/improve or even benefit myself, but now I am, starting with this blog. Set yourself yearly goals, focus on them and feel the happiness when you achieve and cross them off your list. Go on, I dare ya!

Until next time lovelies!

K x


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